Monday, July 30, 2012

Theatre Adventures

This path has brought me to perform in 3 shows over the past year and a half.  The experiences have been completely exhilarating and transformative.  A little trip out of the sound booth can really add layers and nuance to any voiceover performance.

The first one was called "The Ticking Clock Project" at the 6th Street Playhouse.  Okay, this sounds really corny and cliche'd but it's true, I am so honored to have had my first show with these talented women.  I couldn't have asked for better way to loose my theatre virginity.

The second show was called "Act M: Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow Only".  This was my first show that was more than a monologue.  I had to learn how to work dialogue and blocking with other actors on stage, something I had not yet done.  These talented actors taught me so much and I'm so grateful they gave me the opportunity to be their Vaudevillian Lady Macbeth.....

The 3rd show was called "Letters Interactive" at The Sitting Room.  I had the absolute honor of playing George Eliot.  It was akin to taking an English literature class.  We were each given a thick book of the author's own letters and read them to internalize who these women were.  The other authors portrayed in the show were Virginia Woolf, George Sand and Zora Neale Hurston.  Under the direction and creation of Christine Renaudin it really was a magical experience.

This truly is a journey.